Saturday, April 7, 2012

veggie more, healthier life

Want to know more about ingredients for veggie life?
Stay alive, stay healthy to fight for the rest of the life.
Don't quit, but stay alive to combat with the disappointing life.




Doing for nothing... because of OPF

HKMA this year 2012 will have 5% salary raise.
This is a mild percentage because the inflation rate of this year in HKG will be similar.

In that sense, if your salary increase is less than 5%, it can imply:-
1. you underperformed last year.
2. you perform well, but your company is operating at a loss;
3. you have salary cut

If you are well performed, but your company still operates at a loss, this is not a company you should stay, nor will it be safe if you stay here any longer. You are just a sailor in the boat. No matter how hard you work, because of the OPF - other people's fault, it will make the vessel sinks and you will not longer survivable.

Getting older can mean getting more wisdom in your life. It can also mean getting less attacking power for the rest of the life.

So, don't be naive to believe on your own performance. Anyone in Titanic should leave. If you are a diligent and intelligent crew member, you should leave much more more immediately!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New life new love

This is the new life. there has been a new year.
Changes is frequent. In work, there are many chances.

different culture really makes the difference.
however, never put your dumb money into the meaningless charity.

you will never know where money goes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

To re-start a new life...

There is still deny of the identity...
I am Chinese... no! i am hong kong er...
I am a merchandiser, no! i am a buyer... (all these NO!)
No, I don't want to know who i am. i just want to deny all the status i have right now.

Because, worse of all in my life..
That is no recognition, no fringe benefit, no status, working in a black sea.

Though my life pattern is not repeating as last time. There is still a black shadow in my heart.
Sunshine can only be confirmed after 6 months the storm is still prevailing and not gone so far.

Has the worse time past?? God knows. I just want to have decent career. No esteem is trepassed.

This is finally a naive requirement. As an ostrich sometimes is good to cleanse the noise.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


(星島日報報道)周秀娜應科技大學理學院邀請,擔任頭炮「知識無限」系列講座「解讀周秀娜現象」講者,吸引逾四百名師生及公眾人士出席 ...... 有學生批評,周秀娜沒「做足功課」,未能正面回應提問。


有人 直線 短期 賣弄 身材, 賺快錢,
有人 曲線 長期 出賣 靈魂, 賺塊磚. (供樓)
食腦是褒詞, 而老實呢 – 竟然變了貶意詞。

有BBA學生一畢業的理想就是當i-banker, 賺一桶金
周小妹呢,也有明確目標 – 短時間內成名, 賺一同金.
五十步笑一百步嗎? Different ways can lead to Rome.

只是包裝不同, 社會眼光不一樣;
多點審美的眼光去看, 你就會感受到她的魅力.

p.s.如果能夠引經說明她是不對的, 那說服力會強一點。
不然還是 - 自信,有目標,堅毅,力排眾議,不屈不饒.
this can be a good example in Stephen Covey and Anthony Robbin's talk.

香港新聞- 做嘜掩得甘實?

工 程 界 提 高 鐵 方 案 回 應 菜 園 村 不 遷 不 拆 (rthk)

公 共 專 業 聯 盟 主 席 黎 廣 德 表 示 , 明 日 會 發 表 有 關 廣 深 港 高 速 鐵 路 的 專 家 研 究 方 案 , 可 以 解 決 菜 園 村 收 地 問 題 ...... 有 關 方 案 可 解 決 現 時 計 劃 中 , 西 九 龍 站 工 程 難 度 大 及 投 資 龐 大 的 問 題 , 盡 量 降 低 成 本 , 減 低 工 程 延 誤 的 風 險 。

我對菜園村的認知始於71, 這天才知道高鐵, 菜園村的事.
昨天聽電台知道有更省錢的方案 (減50%!!!!!), 於是今天想看報紙再多知一點.

可惜所有, 所有主流報章都沒有相關報導, 恐怖嗎?
再要看香港新聞, 我怕要到別的國家, 或者到虛擬的世界去尋找.
(很巧的,所有報導都是高錕獲獎,樓書指引,甘威 事件,,)

這個令我聯想到 - 19世紀, 英國風騷; 20世紀,美國火車頭;
21世紀, 中國上海會帶頭,但且回頭看長短.

預言 - 從沒有報紙報導這宗
新聞, 就知道:
正苦 是不會採用高鐵民間新方案的,
中間落墨也不會. 可能

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

To re-start a new life?

I still remember the small seat.
I still remember the small office.
I still remember the awkward location.
I still remember too many awkward feeling.
I still remember the 'humble' package.
Facing the toilet no? YES!
How 'mean' to your career life?

But this is the only chance;
or this is the last chance;
a chance to survive better than to rely on social security;

The ISO, REACH, RoHS, GCC, UL, ASTM, EU helpless, at least in the meantime;
The swim ring unexpectedly falls on Incoterms, ISBP, UPC600.

This is a Cultural Revolution.
It has crushed all your believe system developed for whole life.
Dump all your old thoughts and know-how.
Just a-Q and believe this is the new way to survive.

You are no longer a leading blue chip, dude,
Leaving behind is blue & cheap warrant, lad.