Monday, October 27, 2008

各大師之成 - 張永霖,施永青

施永青 - 追求卓越沒必要,鬆散管理轉身快。把所有工作,程序極度優化(即算到‘草都無條生’),只要來一個極度市場變化就殺到措手不及。

張永霖 - 太多貪心及急不及待的人。 其實他早於08年2月節目中已經明言美國經濟已經實際上衰退,也同時解釋了accumulator的殺傷力。也力勸人勿勿勿勿沾手衍生工具。可能現他不在其位,專注教育,看事更清。

剝削上家賺盡利潤, 追求極速回報,每年以正速度追求利潤,
唯利是圖,朝種樹晚界板的概念, 我早就想不通,反感兼反對。最初,我以為我太清高,不能融入俗世人做法。現在我明白我是對的。Lehman & Walmart americans /guys, I believe you will pay for it, if you don't halt your profit-taking-miximizing mindset and re-construct your morality-money balance .


Tuesday, September 9, 2008


~~ 斷了, 因為多沒有發展空間,只有忙。
兜兜轉轉,又回到第一句 - 希望就是一份工作。

p.s. 感覺到 -待業已經很痛苦, 如果失業+失戀, 可能真的很難受。

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

我的偶像 - 常勤專注

我的偶像- 原来有很多。。 They are really the role models I should learn from!!

李時珍- 勤力 - 编辑本草纲目,表明他对于本业的熟悉及洞察力,知道要改善的地方,并且將自己的专业知識及看法更正前人的错误,公開自己的知識,流傳后世,沒半點保留 - 有德。

梁鳳儀 - 從她在“与CEO对话“的节目中,感覺她aggressive, 但聪明,敏锐,勤力,精力,魄力过人,了解自己,EQ, 克服困难能力高, 语言,表達能力强。

肥肥 (應稱肥姐)- 人際關系非常好,記憶力非常好,開懷開朗性格及笑聲皆令人難以忘懷 (至少幕前给人的印象是這樣)

Q仔 - 性格強, 但沒有一点架子,學識好,敢言,有胆色,说话内容長但豐富,有point無冷場,知識范疇廣泛。對后輩提攜。

Loic - He is a French. He is young and brilliant. Like Q仔, he can converse fluently without any stoppage, w/o striking out from the rim of the industry. Anyway, he is professional, and definitely fit in to the post he is in.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


每個人都有一片天, 一片地。
努力奮鬥 - 現在已經離開了憂郁的森林, 卻進入了財漏的回轉門。
如浮云,溜走了。 本來就是勤加勤,可惜最后勤走緣。
回歸平淡, 談何容易?

神明之心 - 我同意,不過要先吃飽飯,死掉死調。

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Way to health 健康有道

To find fun, one likes to overdrive the CPU and get higher performance and make the most of it - though the CPU is not purposely designed for that speed and level.

I redbull too much my health unintentionally. I overdrive in work. So happen the MTBF (mean time between failure, this term widely used in electronics industry) falls upon me.

上得山多終遇虎 - 博得命多終於病。

It doesn't happen when I was young. Now I pay time and attention to seek health out. After physiotherapy, yoga, meditation, NLP, gym fitness training, TaiChi, it is better, but not fully helpful. Hope 經脈操 can help me seek out something.

總之 - 從小便 養成好習慣 - pee if you need, rest if you need.
Work hard, but also play and rest hard. There is a time to work, a time to rest, a time to laugh, a time to mourn, a time to fail, a time to succeed .... (keywords "Ecclesiastes")

Health Triangle - 健康金三角

"Body mind and soul" has always been mentioned in body health. This is true, especially after I learn more about yoga and practise meditation.

Nevertheless, unstable career life can also be detrimental to my financial health. It is even more detrimental if you suffer it chronically. We should go chase and hug for a good, stable, reasonably-paid prospective career to ensure our financial health. Otherwise our psychological mood, confidence will eventually shatter. No kidding, this is true.

Again, body health needs a HOLISTIC approach. DON'T forget financial health. We don't need too much, as dust to the dust, ash to the ash, but at least we need to survive.

是為 - 身心靈 + 穩定工作 = 健康四柱 (八字的四柱又是另一回事。。)
生不帶來, 死不帶去,錢 不需多,但總的要生活, 對嗎?

Monday, June 2, 2008

尋找生命哲學 - 神明之心

韓大夫是一位非常有心的導師 - 有心,有內涵。

他提出 - 以大自然為本,非以人為本。
他提出 - "聚寶盆“的概念 - 分享財庫沒本事, 分享資訊卻會越來越多。
"有人有宗無教, 有人有教無宗”。
"人法道,道法天,天法自然。“ 所以要尊重大自然。

不過 - 我先要找到穩定工作, 才有資格,有平臺繼續尋找 神明之心。


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

End so soon 工作句號

This is the first job when i get back to commercial industry. I 'dreamt' I could start my new esteemed life in a newly set up company, full of potential. However, this career is far shorter than I can accept and expect. The company ceases its operation nearly without saying a word. I brought in the vendor, I worked with them and hoped to bring mutual benefits - though not finally. Luckily enough they don't blame me.

Still remember Lisa's words - 都要你受得起 - very obviously, the ailing mind is still delicate. I build my career on top of floating sand. James and Michael has really engraved something bad in my career life.. No matter how gentlemen and nice they are - this is the result - end of business with outstanding payroll and hamper my credibility to vendors.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Systems Thinking系統思維




To understand the world, that's no easy. To understand own life, it is even harder. However, identifying the underlying principle would help us to live in a more confident way. This is the approach I am using. After sorting out a better job stability, I would say most of the difficulties, at present moment, has gone.

All roads lead to Rome, 條條大道通羅馬。 Bert Hellinger's systemic constellation is similar to Chinese Karma theory;

Thursday, March 27, 2008


This job originally means too much for me, as I am just fine, not great.

After several projects and workouts, I finally realize that I am also walking through a thin wire between the cliffs. Financial stability is one important point.

Anyway, try the best and get the most out of it. After all, any person is working on his behalf, not the other people else. Use this free time to learn the most.

Sub-prime, would you hoist sail please? Don't linger here for any longer....