Thursday, September 16, 2010

New life new love

This is the new life. there has been a new year.
Changes is frequent. In work, there are many chances.

different culture really makes the difference.
however, never put your dumb money into the meaningless charity.

you will never know where money goes.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

To re-start a new life...

There is still deny of the identity...
I am Chinese... no! i am hong kong er...
I am a merchandiser, no! i am a buyer... (all these NO!)
No, I don't want to know who i am. i just want to deny all the status i have right now.

Because, worse of all in my life..
That is no recognition, no fringe benefit, no status, working in a black sea.

Though my life pattern is not repeating as last time. There is still a black shadow in my heart.
Sunshine can only be confirmed after 6 months the storm is still prevailing and not gone so far.

Has the worse time past?? God knows. I just want to have decent career. No esteem is trepassed.

This is finally a naive requirement. As an ostrich sometimes is good to cleanse the noise.