Friday, June 26, 2009

Pansy Ho interview

Pansy Ho interview. She is so right.

"I’m a tough person. If bad things happen, I usually recover overnight. " yes - tough is good. Too soft to them will make them too tough to me. To the boss, we should be euphemistically tough.

"Confidence will keep you on top of everything. No one is doomed to failure. Just use your last breath to fight until the very end." yes - but someone is destined to be no chance to be out of failure.

"The biggest challenge for Hong Kong is we don’t have any new industries. We used to be the gateway to China, but now the mainland has its place in the international community. What will we live on in the future?" yes - I don't see the SME has a easy breath these 10 years.

Try to focus and magnify on +ve side. Neglect the -ve side. That's always the NLP way to see things. Don't hover those -ve experience in your mind. BARK out the confident things you've acheived to somebody. keep BARK BARK BARK.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Idols of the years, HK - 淋水輪,神棍聰

林水輪 - is he really the guy really worth that big sum of reward?
Someone claims he is no different from a sound recorder?
Tax payer so sorry you don't find any fault from me to buff me out.

神棍聰 - know nothing about astrology, but many desperate guys believe him without a damn doubt.
Simply speaking, he is a liar and a blow water master. He ruins those who make decent money from Feng Shui. Also, he is a FS master - a Fool Sweet master - a master who fool the fool with sweety words.

Bear in mind - they are being scolded by the public, but it doesn't matter. As long as they can make money in a non-illegal (note: No
n-Illegal, not legal) way, they are good, good in EQ. You poor guy has no right to comment on my attractive sum of reward.. ok?

韋小寶 - you are out, obsolete.....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Keep awake keep abreast keep endeavour

Life is no more than luck, agility, resilience, perseverance.
Very simple, just want a job to sustain living.

Undertand the period of jobless is really tough and long. Losing patience, confidence will crunch all your remaining guts and pride.

Though, still need to live, still need to walk along the unfinished road.
I've started another blog so i can share my idea with my son in other way.
I've started another blog so i can tell my son the correct way he should walk & attempt.
My life - no Correct & Firm goal setting during childhood.
My walk is not solid. My step is wobble.

After failing in interview again, I sort out the deficiency. I am conquered. I need time to recover before I go to battlefield again. Again, no guarantee to win, but guarantee no die. Even die, I want to be 'beautifully died'. 勝敗乃兵家常事,失敗乃兵家常事, 越官殺之年越動蕩!沉住氣找改變..

Monday, June 15, 2009

Work and School Similarities

Working is just like schooling.
Most people really don't like. But still have to do so.
Day by day gone, month by month gone, not a big a deal.
行尸走肉, 日復如是,無驚無險,又是一天。

However, interview really likes a public exam.,
you have no chance to win, if you are not the top.

You really have to prepare tons of different topics, though they may not ask.
You really have to revise on each hot topic, though it may not be their questions.

Can I get the first honours again?
Chance, slip away from my hands again...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

開始明白 - 內心的不平安

因為啊 - 打擊實在受不了, 內心實在不平安, 怎走也乏善足塵。


知道明天還有希望,還不今天有酒今天醉, 莫待無錢心空虛!

數一數 : 待業的時間一次比一次長。永遠夏至就是工作離開我的日子。

我怕 - 這是冰河時期,永不超生。 靜待下一個大運來臨。
可以說 - 因為多次的工作不順, 所有人生的計劃都改寫了。
改寫到- 我也不知我是誰, 上半生鍥而不捨, 努力不懈, 不知何用?

天啊 - 比條生路我行好唔好??