Sunday, April 26, 2009

Everyday is a struggle - to live with it

All the things are endless. Everything is in a cycle. The economy as is. The horoscope as is. The Iching as is. The everyday routine as is. Most of the cycles are cyclical in upward trends.

these 5 years has been too too bad for me. I am waiting for the upward cycle.
A man who has 2 hands, but find no steering wheel to drive.
A man who has 2 legs, but find nowhere to walk.
A man who can speak well, but find no chance to talk.
A man who can see things clearly, but the mist is amidst the clearing.

The man want to break the shell, find the way out, though he can live for a certain period inside the egg. Where is the dead end that i can make a U-turn??

Will you let him this opportunity? no one can release his potential until he is at the end of the rope. It is only a matter of job thing, not racial issue.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Record Breaking Year? '寄'得比我多?

Here is a positive sad thing I would like to share:-
In year 2008, May, when my serving company folded up, I started a job surfing. This surfing event lasted about half year and closed file until I get recruited. Please note this surfing started right after sub-prime event, but well before financial tsunami:

Total no. of letters written :233
No. of jobs go interview : 13 (5.6%)
No. of letter which receive no response : 173 (74.2%)
No. of letters not sent, though they are written : 44 (18.9%)
No. of job gotten : 1 (0.4%)

The above doesn't count the government posts applied. If you can break my record, let me know!! so we can cheer – through the air!

Now 2009 I need to start another surfing again as bad luck swirling around me. I quit my job this time because – I will be forced to quit some day. Big question mark to myself – I haven’t done anything wrong, totally dedicate to work, punctual, always put company’s interest in the best interest to be safeguard, so one word – acted professionally but still not pleased the boss – am I too professional to scare him off and need to kill me??

End Of P3 - 'the worse has yet to come'.

5 months time - thought that this is a good stepping stone to shift the nature from engineering to merchandising, from China to HK base, from not knowing how to do to familiarizing the routine. However, these months being blamed every minute everyday. But the even biggest change is - poker face you will never catch why such a change.

Thanks gut that now I understand the meaning of
- the worse has yet to come;
- in the forest one must wear mask physically & mentally to keep yourself save.
Thanks for my saving glut, which allows me to live decently for few more months....

Maybe, try to learn from Zappro, always embrace change and be inspirational and passionate to every situation, no matter good or bad.

Monday, April 20, 2009

知識錦囊 - 如何取得?

現在嗎,電腦發展,一日千里,把人的距離拉得 “看似很遠,又似很近”。
看 似 很 遠 - 寧發 sms/email, 也不通話;
又 似 很 近 - 人隔兩地也可msn / skype 地朝夕見面。

在網海要找知識, 以下的挺有用,
Yahoo! 知識
再加上 GooglePinYin輸入中文;就是挺好的配搭。

不過,最後都是一句話 :口在路邊,識人好過識字。。還要認清真偽。

用心活一次 - 要知進知退



也就是說:不煙不酒不賭,愛家愛人自愛不足以構成成功, 學養學問學歷友善也不一定有上天眷顧。
仍然要在有生之年,可以的話, 還是 - 用心活一次。