Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Way to health 健康有道

To find fun, one likes to overdrive the CPU and get higher performance and make the most of it - though the CPU is not purposely designed for that speed and level.

I redbull too much my health unintentionally. I overdrive in work. So happen the MTBF (mean time between failure, this term widely used in electronics industry) falls upon me.

上得山多終遇虎 - 博得命多終於病。

It doesn't happen when I was young. Now I pay time and attention to seek health out. After physiotherapy, yoga, meditation, NLP, gym fitness training, TaiChi, it is better, but not fully helpful. Hope 經脈操 can help me seek out something.

總之 - 從小便 養成好習慣 - pee if you need, rest if you need.
Work hard, but also play and rest hard. There is a time to work, a time to rest, a time to laugh, a time to mourn, a time to fail, a time to succeed .... (keywords "Ecclesiastes")

Health Triangle - 健康金三角

"Body mind and soul" has always been mentioned in body health. This is true, especially after I learn more about yoga and practise meditation.

Nevertheless, unstable career life can also be detrimental to my financial health. It is even more detrimental if you suffer it chronically. We should go chase and hug for a good, stable, reasonably-paid prospective career to ensure our financial health. Otherwise our psychological mood, confidence will eventually shatter. No kidding, this is true.

Again, body health needs a HOLISTIC approach. DON'T forget financial health. We don't need too much, as dust to the dust, ash to the ash, but at least we need to survive.

是為 - 身心靈 + 穩定工作 = 健康四柱 (八字的四柱又是另一回事。。)
生不帶來, 死不帶去,錢 不需多,但總的要生活, 對嗎?

Monday, June 2, 2008

尋找生命哲學 - 神明之心

韓大夫是一位非常有心的導師 - 有心,有內涵。

他提出 - 以大自然為本,非以人為本。
他提出 - "聚寶盆“的概念 - 分享財庫沒本事, 分享資訊卻會越來越多。
"有人有宗無教, 有人有教無宗”。
"人法道,道法天,天法自然。“ 所以要尊重大自然。

不過 - 我先要找到穩定工作, 才有資格,有平臺繼續尋找 神明之心。
